A weekly podcast hosted by Wendy and Beth, two female true crime enthusiasts who aim to bring you the untold stories of crimes committed by serial killers of color. They dive into the lives, culture, and social environment that may have contributed to the evolution of the crimes.
Wendy is the host, writer & researcher on Fruitloops. An African American/Latinx queer millennial, she lives in Atlanta, Georgia with her husband and children.
Beth is co-host and Wendy’s partner in true crime. A GenXer and the show’s resident OG of true crime who just happens to be white, she lives in Phoenix, Arizona, where she also does writing, researching, editing, and graphic design for the show.
Minnie is Beth’s sister. She has lived in several countries and studied various languages, but she currently resides in Edmonton, Canada. She helps out with the research and writing for the show.